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The Central European Initiative (CEI) and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) are pleased to announce the winner of the CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism 2011,  Mr. Włodzmierz Kalicki.

The Office of the Prime Minister in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Republic of Serbia, is organising the annual CEI Summit on 4 November 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia.

For the first time in the CEI’s history the Serbian Presidency organised a meeting of CEI Ministers of Science and Technology, in Trieste on 19 October 2011. Delegations from CEI Member States attended the meeting, including 6 Ministers and 6 Deputy Ministers and other high officials, as well as a representative of the European Commission (Directorate General for Research and Innovation) and other guests.

The Sincrotrone Trieste “Elettra” Laboratory is hosting the opening session. Serbian Minister of Education and Science, Mr. Zarko Obradovic, will chair the meeting. Italy will be represented by the Undersecretary of Education, University and Research, Mr. Giuseppe Pizza.

The Secretary General of the Central European Initiative (CEI), Ambassador Gerhard Pfanzelter, took part in an informal meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the CEI, the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) and the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII) on 23 September 2011.

The SEETAC project (South-East European Transport Axis Cooperation) was recently selected as one of the best transport projects implemented within  a Transnational Cooperation Programme.

The signing ceremony of the convention between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region and Rete Ferroviaria Italiana for the planning of the missing railroad links on the Italian territory was hosted by the CEI on 16 September.

The Central European Initiative (CEI) together with the University of Trieste organized a two-session gathering linked to the ADRIA A project on 22 September at the CEI headquarters.

The final results of this EU funded project on freight management in urban areas (SUGAR) were analysed on the occasion of the 7th SUGAR Consortium Meeting held on 22-23 September in Palma de Mallorca.

Forty students and civil society activists from the Central European Initiative region (CEI) and beyond gathered in Faenza on the occasion of the 17th edition of  the CEI International Summer School “Beyond the Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood”.

On top of the Agenda of the Meeting of the Committee of CEI National Coordinators (CNC) on 13 September at the CEI Headquarters was the preparation of a number of high-level and expert meetings scheduled by the Serbian Presidency until the end of the year.

A new impact assessment and analysis reveals the success of the Know-How Exchange Programme (KEP) in taking advantage of the transition experience of recently admitted EU members in order to avoid obstacles and speed up processes in the countries that aim at filling similar development gaps.

As of the end of August – less than two months from its opening – the Trieste Biennale which includes the CEI exhibition “Free Port of Art” has registered an extraordinary number of visitors, more than 12000. The majority is from Trieste and the surrounding area. For these visitors this is also a special occasion to visit the Old Harbour (Porto Vecchio) of Trieste, an exceptional location classified as a national monument opened to the public for the first time.

On the occasion of the official Opening of the 26th Vilenica International Literary Festival on 7 September, Secretary General Amb. Pfanzelter presented the CEI Fellowship for Writers in Residence to Ognjen Spahić from Montenegro.

The 5th SUGAR Consortium Meeting, held in Brussels at the POLIS premises aimed at discussing the status of this EU funded project and the results achieved so far.

Held on 3-6 May, the event was opened by a workshop where  the good-practice sites - Emilia Romagna, Paris, London and Barcelona - presented their project findings and shared their experience in the field of sustainable urban freight management and logistics.

The Steering Committee of the Adria A project (Accessibility and Development for the Re-launch of the Inner Adriatic Area) met for the second time on 25 July on the premises of the Veneto Region in Venice. The event was organised by the Municipality of Venice in collaboration with the Central European Initiative.  

Participants had the opportunity to discuss the status of this EU funded project, strengthen the commitment of the institutional partners and approve the technical results achieved so far.

The Central European Initiative Executive Secretariat, located in Trieste, in via Genova 9, intends to draw a List of Qualified Suppliers per each product category related to the goods/ products/ services that will be invited to participate in tenders for amounts lower than 193.000,00 €. Interested companies will have to submit the application form according to the announcement. For further information :


The Central European, in compliance with the “General Procurement Notice” of June 28th 2010, will draw up a list of experts in order to meet the specific needs in the field of European affairs to avail itself of professional and technical knowledge in this sector. Through an internal regulation, the procedure for the creation of a single List of experts has been adopted and launched. This will allow to select professionals with the necessary experience and high technical qualifications in the field of:

The SEETAC Project (South-East European Transport Axis Cooperation) was successfully presented at the European Parliament in Brussels for the second time on 28 June, 2011.

The CEI Committee of National Coordinators has recently approved three technical cooperation (TC) projects entirely supported by the Italian Government through the CEI Trust Fund at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

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