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The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), the Central European Initiative (CEI), Trieste, Italy, and Media Program South East Europe of the German Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) announce that the VI South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) is taking take place in Budva/Becici, Montenegro, from 22 to 23 October 2012. This year’s forum will analyse multi-faceted challenges of journalism in the age of new media.

On 4 October 2012, the Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF) and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) launched a training project in Montenegro to respond to the government’s priorities for public finance reform.

The South East European Transport Axis Cooperation (SEETAC) project was co-financed by the EU through the South East Europe Cooperation Programme with a total budget of 2.38 million EUR. The project was implemented over a three-year period by the CEI as lead partner in cooperation with 16 partner institutions from 14 countries and 4 observers: these institutions represent the highest decision - making powers of the area in the field of transport.

The Central European Initiative (CEI) and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) are pleased to announce the winners of the CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism 2012, Matej Šurc and Blaž Zgaga from Slovenia.

The kick-off meeting of the Project European Digital Traffic Infrastructure Network for Intelligent Transport Systems (EDITS)  took place in Vienna on 3-4 October, 2012.

The project aims at enhancing the mobility of Central European citizens by providing interoperable and multimodal traveller information services based on a harmonised platform for data and information exchange. In order to reach this goal, existing traveller information services as well as traffic management solutions will either be set up or improved.

On 28 September 2012, the Monitoring Committee of the South East Europe Programme confirmed the approval of the Project Accessibility Improved at Border Crossings for the Integration of South-East Europe (ACROSSEE), for an overall budget of 3.025.246,64 EUR.

“There is a strong need to reinforce institutional and technical co-operation in order to speed up the actual realisation of this Corridor by improving the cross border connections and concentrating funds on clear priorities” said CEI Alternate Secretary General, Giorgio Rosso Cicogna on the occasion of the Conference “Pan-European Intermodal Corridors: an Opportunity to Kick – start the Economic Growth”, organised  by the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Hungary on 2 October, 2012 in Budapest.

Upon the invitation of the Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Janos Martonyi, CEI Secretary General Gerhard Pfanzelter paid a working visit to Budapest on 2 October 2012.

Hungary, a founding member of the Central European Initiative (CEI), is taking over the Presidency in 2013. The visit offered the opportunity for a preliminary exchange of views on the objectives and priorities of the Hungarian Presidency.

The meeting of the CEI Parliamentary Assembly, under the title “The Transportation Infrastructure Improvement as an Effective Tool for Intensifying Interaction Among CEI Countries”, was held on 26-28 September 2012 at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in Kyiv, under the Ukrainian Presidency.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) places special emphasis on capacity building in its countries of operations, but also in the business community of all shareholder countries, including Italy. Public procurement occupies a central place within the Bank’s core objectives of fostering efficient use of public funds, contributing to institutional strengthening, corporate governance and internal capacity building.

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, H.E. Kostyantyn Gryshchenko, hosted on 27 September, in New York a working breakfast for his colleagues of the CEI Member States. The gathering took place at the Premises of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations (UN). Discussions focused on issues of regional partnership and on enhancement of cooperation between the CEI and the UN, in the framework of the CEI's observer status in the UN General Assembly.

Ministers of Science and their representatives from 18 CEI Member States, together with High Officials from the European Commission and from international scientific institutions attended the CEI Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology in Trieste on 19 September 2012.

The Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology was officially opened today in Trieste at Synchtron facility (Elettra) and Free Electron Laser Laboratory (Fermi) under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Minister of Education of Ukraine, Sulima Yevhen.

The CEI Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology is taking place in Trieste on 19 September 2012, followed by a Ministerial Conference on Next Generation Biofuels on 20 September 2012.

The 18th edition of the CEI International Summer School  “Beyond the Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood” has started in Cervia on 3 September and wil last until 14 September 2012.

On the occasion of the official opening of the 27th Vilenica International Literary Festival, held on 5 September in Lipica, Slovenia, CEI Deputy Secretary General Zoran Jovanovic awarded the CEI Fellowship for Writers in Residence 2012 to Ajla Terzić, from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the context of the EU funded project “Improving Cooperation in South-East Europe by Actions for Strengthening the Regional Cooperation Council” a group of CEI and RCC representatives paid a visit to the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) in Stockholm on 3-4 September 2012.

CEI Secretary General, Ambassador Gerhard Pfanzelter, participated in the Bled Strategic Forum which took place on 2-3 September 2012. On that occasion, Ambassador Pfanzelter had several informal and formal meetings with a number of distinguished guests and participants.

The 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA 2012) was held in Prague on 25-29 August, with an attendance of almost one thousand participants mainly from Europe (EU and non-EU Member States) as well as from more than 30 countries worldwide.

High-level Ministerial Representatives on Transport and Infrastructure from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, the European Commission (DG Mobility and Transport), regional organisations (CEFTA, RCC and SEETO) and the South East Europe Joint Technical Secretariat (SEE JTS), gathered in Bled on 29 August 2012, in order to discuss the outcomes and results accomplished by the cooperation among the partners of the SEETAC project - South East European Transport Axis Cooperation.

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