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ATTAC Project: 2nd Transnational Working Group Meeting

The 2nd Transnational Working Group meeting of the Project on Attractive Urban Public Transport for Accessible Cities (ATTAC) took place in Maribor, Slovenia,  from 31 January to 1 February 2012.

During the meeting ATTAC partners had the chance to analyse the main results achieved by the consortium so far. In particular, the CEI presented a report regarding the mapping of the South East European cities and the dissemination activities.

The overall objective of the project is to improve the coordination procedure for promoting, planning and operating urban/agglomeration public transport networks in order to better integrate ATTAC cities and regions into the South East Europe transport backbone and to reduce bottlenecks in European transport corridors. Effective and quality urban Public Transport (PT) is one of the key elements in fighting congestion. Therefore, the use of PT ought to be encouraged as well as facilitated by rendering it a competitive alternative to private car use. Various cities (from Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia Greece to Bulgaria) and regional governments of the SEE area are involved in the project under the leadership of Miskolc Holding Plc, transport provider of the city of Miskolc, Hungary. ……..  The ATTAC project is funded under the South East Europe Programme, for a total value of 2.452.130,00€.  The project officially started on 1January 2011 and will end on 31December 2013. The next project meeting will be held in June 2012 in Modena.   CEI role: communication and dissemination among CEI contacts; organization of a high level meeting; contribution to a joint mobility toolbox including policy recommendations.   for more information:  

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