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The opening ceremony of the eighth edition of the International Master in Public Procurement Management (IMPPM) was held in Rome, on 3 March. It was jointly organised by the Tor Vergata University together with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and was co-financed by the CEI Fund at the EBRD.

A policy discussion on demographic challenges in the Western Balkans was organised by the Slovene Centre for European Perspective (CEP) under its flagship youth project, the Young Bled Strategic Forum in cooperation with the CEI-Executive Secretariat.
Valorising the remarkable and unique geological, historical and naturalistic heritage of North Macedonia is one of the main objectives of the Know-how Exchange Programme project GECCOSPARK officially launched in Skopje (North Macedonia) on 12-14 February.

The first meeting of the Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) under the Montenegrin CEI Presidency took place in Podgorica on 12 February.

Developing joint and innovative measures to improve services in cross-border trains operated by HZPP and SZPP between Slovenia and Croatia. This is the main goal of the recently signed MoU between the two parties in Zagreb on 12 February.

The CEI Award 2020 at the Trieste Film Festival goes to Marko Škop from Slovakia for his film Let there be light/Nech je svetlo. It was presented by Zoran Jovanovic, CEI Deputy Secretary General, on the occasion of the awarding ceremony in Trieste on 20 January.
The Heads of Government of the CEI Member States or their representatives as well as high-level representatives of international and regional organisations and institutions gathered in Rome on 19 December for the concluding event of the Italian CEI Presidency, the CEI Summit.
On 18 December, around 50 delegates from 20 countries gathered in Rome - at the premises of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità - ISS (Italian National Public Health Institute) - to participate in the Summit of the Public Health Alliance Central Eastern Europe (PHACEE) supported under the Italian CEI Presidency.

On 16 December, the final conference of the European project NAMIRG took place at the premises of the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The Memorandum of Understanding signed after a long series of meetings and discussions is not to be considered an endpoint, but rather the beginning. We are starting from here to develop new innovative ways to improve the connectivity of cross-border public transport between Trieste, Muggia and Koper, with a particular focus on maritime connections.
The Ministers of research, innovation and higher education of the CEI Member States gathered in Trieste on 13 December for their Ministerial Meeting on Science and Research.
Mladen Sarcevic, Serbian Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, visited the CEI-Executive Secretariat right after the Ministerial Meeting on Science and Research in Trieste on 13 December.

On 10 December, the final promotional event of the NAMIRG project took place at the European Parliament.

On 9 December 2019, Trieste Trasporti and Slovenske Železnice (Slovenian railways) signed the amendment of the agreement for the extension of the cross-border integrated public transport service (bus/train) between Trieste and Ljubljana, at the CEI headquarters.
On 4 December, over 40 officers of the Transport ministries of the Western Balkan Countries, senior regional officials, Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum- Trieste and representatives of Ports and transport operators gathered at the CEI HQ to attend the Seminar on “the Adriatic Ports facilitation and logistics: how to unlock the potential of inter-modality in the Western Balkans”.

On 4 December, the CEI Executive Secretariat, in its capacity as Lead Partner and GECT Euregio Senza Confini jointly hosted the ADRIPASS dissemination event in Trieste, Italy.

On 3 December, the Round Table under the title "A supporting Europe: judicial and security cooperation" was held at the CEI HQ in Trieste. The event was a chance to reflect upon cooperation in judicial and criminal matters within the EU framework established by the Lisbon Treaty, as well as on possible cross-border and transnational collaborations, to be explored also with the CEI’s support.
On 3 December, the Central European Initiative-Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) hosted the Kick-off Meeting of the project “PRE-RIGHTS – Assessing impact and performance of preventive measures on EU Directives and Framework Decisions”, funded under the EU Justice Programme 2014-2020.

The second phase of the Know-how Exchange Programme Project “Support for Strengthening Energy Regulatory Authorities in the Western Balkans” held during 2019, ended yesterday with the last out of four capacity-building technical seminars and a closing ceremony. 

On 27 November, the Mayor of Trieste, Roberto Dipiazza, conferred the Sigillo Trecentesco del Comune di Trieste on Ambassador Giovanni Caracciolo di Vietri, former CEI Secretary General from 2013 to 2018.
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