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Discussions focused on the agenda and challenges of the upcoming Presidency and more specifically, assessed the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the future of European security; and also explored a number of other key issues, such as the significance of the recent political reshuffle in Central Europe, the recommendations of the Conference on the Future of Europe as well as the new challenges to the Green Deal initiative. 

On the occasion the Italian Research Day in the World, the Italian Embassy in Slovenia, invited the NAMIRS Project partner OGS as a speaker, to discuss cross- border cooperation in the field of research in the North Adriatic.

The gathering - held under the Bulgarian CEI Presidency 2022 - was opened by Nikola Minchev, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria and chaired by Ms. Denitsa Simeonova, Head of the Bulgarian Delegation to the CEI PD.
The project encourages early-career scientists from non-EU CEI Member States in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans to participate in Programme for Training and Research in Italian Laboratories (TRIL).

The second meeting of the Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) under the CEI Bulgarian Presidency 2022 took place in Trieste on 11 May, the first in a fully in-person format since the outbreak of the pandemic.

The CEI-funded conference organised by Makgeopark (NGO Stenae) and the Municipality of Demir Kapija, North Macedonia on 6 - 8 May, witnessed the participation of representatives from existing UNESCO geoparks from CEI Member States as well as experts in field of geodiversity and environmental sciences.

In light of the cooperation established between the WHO Europe and CEI – Executive Secretariat, the latter was invited to attend, as observer, the virtual special session of the Regional Committee for Europe on 10 May, to consider the health situation in Ukraine and the wider consequences of the ongoing war on health matters in t

Ms. Ivana Holoubková and Ms. Zsuzsanna Király, respectively from the Czech Republic and Hungary,  who were appointed as CEI Deputy Secretaries General on 7 April 2022, officially took up their new duties at the CEI-Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) on 1 May.

The 10th CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators, organised by the Trieste Contemporanea Committee and co-financed by the CEI Cooperation Fund, took place at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice on 22 April. 

The 13th Equal Pay Day conference, organised by the non-profit organisation Business and Professional Women CR (BPWCR), was held in Prague on 8-10 Apri

The Central European Initiative (CEI) strongly condemns the unjustifiable, more than a month-long military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, a valued member of the CEI. The Russian assault on medical institutions, using cluster bombs and killing innocent civilians is inhumane and completely unacceptable.

What are the main features of the European territorial cooperation? What impact has the Covid-19 pandemic had on this tool, its practices and policies? What are the main challenges and opportunities for the 2021-2027 European programming period?

The CEI - Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) has hosted again this year part of the works of OberMUN 2022 “Shaping our future together” held in Trieste on 1-3 April.

The design and implementation of EU-funded projects is a powerful tool for the attainment of the CEI’s goals and objectives.

Today, 31 March, the CEI Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) organised a press conference in order to present the recently launched CEI – led project NAMIRS- North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response System co-financed by the European Commission (DG ECHO) in the framework of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.

On 25 March 2022, the CEI Member States decided to suspend the Republic of Belarus of its rights of representation in the CEI, as a consequence of the country's actions in support of the aggression against Ukraine.

In response to the extremely dire and worrying humanitarian emergency in Ukraine, a CEI Member State, the CEI has decided to provide support to the people, affected by the conflict in Ukraine, through a humanitarian contribution of 80,000 EUR to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

On 15 March, a delegation from the CEI-Executive Secretariat headed by Secretary General Roberto Antonione met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani in Skopje. 

On 4 March, CEI Secretary General Roberto Antonione and the President of ALDA the European Association of Local Democracy, Oriano Otočan signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Trieste.

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