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In North Macedonia, wildfire emergency continues

(ANSA) - BELGRADE, 15 LUG - North Macedonia continues to face a wildfire emergency, with an exceptional heatwave and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. Yesterday, authorities declared a 30-day state of emergency, and local media reported that about fifteen fires had been extinguished recently. However, at least ten wildfires remain active in various parts of the Balkan country, with firefighting teams and rescuers deploying firefighting planes and helicopters to combat them. So far, the flames do not threaten inhabited areas. Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski has urgently requested assistance from neighboring countries, including Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, and Montenegro. This international aid is crucial as the heatwave continues to ravage the entire Balkan region. The situation has persisted for about ten days and is expected to endure for at least another week. (ANSA).